Chemiphase CP-9070 boiler condensate treatment is an alkaline product to minimise condensate system corrosion due to carbonic acid attack.
CP-9070 boiler condensate treatment is an aqueous solution of volatile amines.
CP-9070 should be dosed into the boiler feed line, the steam header or dosed into the boiler itself. Dose rate is proportional to the carbonate alkalinity in the feed water and will be advised by the Chemiphase water treatment consultant as indicated by analytical results. Concentrated amine formulation to raise pH of acidic condensate water to a neutral, less corrosive level. Formulation will provide both near end and far end protection of the condensate system. The product does not require any specialised dosing equipment. Product performance is easily monitored from condensate pH and iron levels.
CP-9070 is alkaline and is therefore harmful to eyes and skin. Avoid ingestion. It can give off an irritating vapour and care should be taken in confined spaces. Wear suitable protective clothing.
Please refer to Safety Data Sheet for specific information.
CP-9070 boiler condensate treatment is an alkaline product formulated to minimise condensate system corrosion due to carbonic acid attack.
CP-9070 is compatible with most other boiler water treatment products. Pumps should have polypropylene heads and seals. Low density polyethylene can be used for delivery lines.
When stored between 10 and 40oC in the original unopened container, C P 9070 has a shelf life of 36 months from the date of manufacture.
CP 9070 boiler condensate treatment is available in 20 Litre & 200 Litre & 1000 Litre IBC Containers.