Chemiphase CP-9300 corrosion inhibitor is a highly effective corrosion inhibitor for hot and cold water closed systems. CP-9300 contains no heavy metal salts or no nitrites, is essentially non-toxic and has minimum adverse impact on the environment.
CP-9300 is an aqueous solution of organic phosphates, azoles and carboxylic acids.
CP-9300 should be shot dosed to the system via dosage pot or dosing pump to give the required levels of treatment specified by the Chemiphase water treatment consultant as indicated by the analytical results.
CP-9300 is a highly effective corrosion inhibitor for hot and cold water closed systems. Typical Dosage levels will vary on the type of water the product is applied with. The usual Commissioning rate of 2500-3500 ppm and a maintenance rate of 80-200 ppm product based upon the Phosphonate levels.
It contains no heavy metals or nitrites, is essentially non-toxic & has minimum adverse impact on the environment. Levels are easily monitored via titration or by drop test.
CP-9300 is a closed system corrosion inhibitor for hot and cold water systems which contains no heavy metal salts and no nitrites.
CP-9300 is compatible with most other water treatment products. It can be used with mild steel or stainless dosing pots and is compatible with most dosing pump materials, fittings and delivery lines.
When stored between 10 and 40oC in the original unopened container, CP 9300 has a shelf life of 36 months from the date of manufacture.
CP 9300 corrosion inhibitor is available in 20 Litre & 200 Litre & 1000 Litre IBC Containers.