pH Correct 68 - Biodiesel pH Correction Additive
pH Correct 68 is a pH adjuster for manufacturers of Biodiesel. When Biodiesel is reacted and the glycerine has been removed the pH of the oil must be between 6.5 and 7.5 to gain the best results from your washing phase. pH Correct 68 will lower the pH to 6.5 / 7.5 before you begin washing with water, resin, Magnesol etc. By lowering the pH of the fuel before washing you do not waste the expensive washing material pH adjusting the biodiesel. Instead of using expensive cleaning agents such as Magnesol, Amberlite etc, to alter pH we recommend altering the pH using a much cheaper product - pH Correct 68. These products alter the pH to approximately 7 before the washing begins, with pH correct 68 we recommend altering the pH to 7 to begin with and then washing as normal. This will reduce the amount of cleaning agents required and thus save money. pHCorrect68 is a unique product that has been carefully formulated to aid the cleaning and filtration of biodiesel. The product contains a mixture of organic acids, dispersants and chelating agents that will enhance the filtration process whilst improving the stability the fuel. There are no heavy metals present in the product.
Treatment Process / Application:
Dilution rates will vary depending on the quality of biodiesel + pH of biodiesel. pH should be monitored with pH meter to determine pH.